Cats have a specialized collarbone that allows them to always land on their feet when they fall, a reflex known as the "righting reflex."
A group of cats is called a "clowder."
Cats spend about 70% of their lives sleeping, which equates to around 13-16 hours a day.
The world's oldest cat on record lived to be 38 years old.
Cats have five toes on their front paws, but only four on their back paws.
The "meow" is a sound cats developed specifically to communicate with humans; they rarely use it to communicate with other cats.
Cats have a specialized grooming tool on their tongue called papillae, which are tiny, backward-facing barbs that help them clean their fur and remove loose hair.
The average cat can jump about six times its body length in one leap.
Cats have a unique collarbone that allows them to rotate their bodies 180 degrees to fit through small spaces.
A cat's nose is as unique as a human's fingerprint, with no two cats having the same nose print.
Cats have a highly developed sense of smell, estimated to be about 14 times stronger than humans'.
The average cat's heart beats at a rate of around 140 beats per minute, almost twice as fast as a human's.
Cats have a third eyelid, called the nictitating membrane, which helps protect their eyes and keep them moist.
The world's largest cat breed is the Maine Coon, known for its large size, tufted ears, and bushy tail.
Cats have a unique grooming behavior called "bunting," where they rub their heads and bodies against objects or people to mark their territory with scent glands located on their face and body.
Cats have whiskers on their front legs, not just their face, which help them navigate in the dark and detect changes in their environment.
The ancient Egyptians considered cats to be sacred animals and worshipped them as symbols of grace and protection.
The ancient Egyptians considered cats to be sacred animals and worshipped them as symbols of grace and protection.
The fear of cats is known as "ailurophobia."
The record for the longest cat whiskers measured 7.5 inches (19 centimeters) long!
Cats have a specialized collarbone that allows them to squeeze through tight spaces by rotating their shoulders.
The oldest known pet cat was found in a 9,500-year-old grave on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus.
Cats have a unique "hunting face" that includes dilated pupils, flattened ears, and a twitching tail.
In the Middle Ages, cats were associated with witchcraft and often persecuted along with their owners during witch hunts.
Some cats are allergic to humans, just like some humans are allergic to cats.
The world's wealthiest cat, according to the Guinness World Records, inherited $13 million from its owner.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "allogrooming," where they groom other cats as a form of social bonding.
The world's loudest purr was recorded at 67.8 decibels, equivalent to the noise level of a conversation.
Cats have a unique collarbone that allows them to always land on their feet when they fall from a height.
The Maine Coon is the official state cat of Maine and is known for its friendly and sociable nature.
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "chirping" or "chattering," which they use when observing birds or small prey animals through a window.
The average cat's brain is about 90% similar to a human's, making them one of the most intelligent domestic animals.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "scruffing," where they grasp the skin behind their neck with their teeth to hold themselves in place while grooming hard-to-reach areas.
The "Maneki-neko" or "beckoning cat" is a popular Japanese figurine believed to bring good luck and prosperity to its owner.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "patting," where they gently pat their owners or other cats as a sign of affection.
The world's smallest cat breed is the Singapura, known for its petite size and large, expressive eyes.
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "trilling," which they use to greet their owners or communicate excitement.
The color of a cat's coat is determined by its genetics, with patterns ranging from solid colors to tabby stripes, calico patches, and more.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "rolling," where they roll onto their backs or sides to groom hard-to-reach areas and stretch their muscles.
The world's largest recorded litter of domestic cats consisted of 19 kittens!
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "caterwauling," which they use during mating season to attract mates.
The Turkish Van is a rare breed of cat known for its love of water and swimming abilities.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "face rubbing," where they rub their cheeks and chin against objects or people to mark them with their scent glands.
The world's oldest known breed of domestic cat is the Egyptian Mau, dating back over 3,000 years.
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "hissing," which they use to express fear, aggression, or discomfort.
The color of a cat's eyes can vary widely, from shades of green, gold, and amber to blue, copper, and even odd-eyed (each eye a different color).
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "licking," where they use their rough tongues to remove dirt, debris, and loose hair from their fur.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "licking," where they use their rough tongues to remove dirt, debris, and loose hair from their fur.
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "yowling," which they use to express distress, pain, or frustration.
The Scottish Fold is a unique breed of cat known for its folded ears, which give it an adorable and distinctive appearance.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "bunny-kicking," where they use their hind legs to kick and scratch at objects or prey.
The world's longest domestic cat on record measured over 48 inches from nose to tail tip!
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "purring," which they use to communicate contentment and relaxation.
The Turkish Angora is one of the oldest cat breeds, believed to have originated in Turkey over 1,000 years ago.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "tail chasing," where they chase and play with their own tails as a form of entertainment.
The world's wealthiest cat inherited over $7 million from its owner and lived a life of luxury in a mansion.
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "growling," which they use to express aggression or territorial behavior.
The Scottish Fold's folded ears are caused by a genetic mutation that affects the cartilage in their ears.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "head-butting," where they gently bump their heads against objects or people to mark them with their scent.
The world's oldest known pet cat was found in a 9,500-year-old grave in Cyprus, suggesting that cats were domesticated much earlier than previously thought.
The world's oldest known pet cat was found in a 9,500-year-old grave in Cyprus, suggesting that cats were domesticated much earlier than previously thought.
The American Shorthair is one of the most popular cat breeds in the United States, known for its friendly and adaptable nature.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "self-cleaning," where they lick their fur to remove dirt, debris, and loose hair.
The world's longest jump by a cat was over 7 feet!
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "yowling," which they use to express distress, pain, or frustration.
The Bengal cat breed is known for its distinctive spotted or marbled coat, resembling that of a wild leopard.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "paw licking," where they lick their paws to clean them after eating or using the litter box.
The world's tallest domestic cat on record stood over 17 inches tall at the shoulder!
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "trilling," which they use to greet their owners or communicate excitement.
The Siamese cat breed is known for its striking blue eyes, sleek coat, and vocal personality.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "chewing," where they chew on grass or plants to aid in digestion or satisfy their natural instincts.
The world's smallest cat on record measured just over 5 inches tall!
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "howling," which they use during mating season to attract mates.
The Russian Blue cat breed is known for its elegant appearance, dense coat, and striking green eyes.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "rolling," where they roll onto their backs or sides to groom hard-to-reach areas and stretch their muscles.
The world's largest domestic cat breed is the Savannah, known for its tall and slender build, large ears, and spotted coat.
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "crying," which they use to express hunger, loneliness, or distress.
The Persian cat breed is known for its long, luxurious fur, flat face, and gentle temperament.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "bathing," where they lick their fur to keep it clean and free of parasites.
The world's oldest known cat lived to be 38 years old!
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "muttering," which they use to communicate annoyance or displeasure.
The Ragdoll cat breed is known for its affectionate nature, tendency to go limp when picked up, and stunning blue eyes.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "ear cleaning," where they use their tongues to clean their ears and remove wax buildup.
The world's fastest recorded sprinting speed for a domestic cat was 30 miles per hour!
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "hissing," which they use to express fear, aggression, or discomfort.
The Sphynx cat breed is known for its hairless appearance, wrinkled skin, and warm, affectionate personality.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "sunbathing," where they seek out sunny spots to bask in the warmth and recharge.
The world's largest recorded litter of domestic cats consisted of 19 kittens!
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "singing," which they use to communicate with their owners or express contentment.
The Bengal cat breed is known for its playful and energetic personality, often compared to that of a small leopard.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "scratching," where they use their claws to remove dead outer layers of their claws and mark their territory.
The world's loudest purr recorded was measured at 67.8 decibels, equivalent to the noise level of a conversation!
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "chirping," which they use to communicate excitement or anticipation.
The Himalayan cat breed is known for its pointed coat pattern, similar to that of the Siamese, and affectionate temperament.
Cats have a specialized grooming behavior called "tail wagging," where they wag their tails to communicate mood or intentions to other cats or humans.
The world's smallest cat breed is the Singapura, known for its petite size and large, expressive eyes.
Cats have a specialized vocalization called "panting," which they use to cool down when they are overheated or stressed.
The Scottish Fold is a unique breed of cat known for its folded ears, which give it an adorable and distinctive appearance.
The Scottish Fold is a unique breed of cat known for its folded ears, which give it an adorable and distinctive appearance.
The world's wealthiest cat inherited over $13 million from its owner and lived a life of luxury in a mansion!